Senators Player Safety
It is important to Senators coaches to create a safe environment for play. They will follow these protocols in practices and games.
Preventing Injuries
Coaches will use proper spacing for throwing, batting and other drills. Cones and portable screens help to create safe spacing.
Attending to Injured Players
For those emergencies that require immediate attention by a trained professional, coaches should call 9-1-1. Do not try to move the player if they cannot move on their own. If the injury is not major, take reasonable steps to attend to the injury. Whenever a player is injured, the coach should inform the parents or guardians of the injury even if it seems minor and the athlete is able to continue with the practice or game.
Avoiding Heat Exhaustion
Avoid heat exhaustion by having players stay well-hydrated before and during the activity. Take plenty of breaks in the shade.
If a player shows signs of heat exhaustion, remove the player from activities, have them sit in the shade or bring them to air-conditioned space. Apply cold press to the back of the neck and wrists. Drink cold water.
What are signs of heat exhaustion?
• increased thirst
• weakness
• dizziness or fainting
• muscle cramps
• nausea and/or vomiting
• irritability
• headache
• heavy sweating
Preventing Injuries
Coaches will use proper spacing for throwing, batting and other drills. Cones and portable screens help to create safe spacing.
Attending to Injured Players
For those emergencies that require immediate attention by a trained professional, coaches should call 9-1-1. Do not try to move the player if they cannot move on their own. If the injury is not major, take reasonable steps to attend to the injury. Whenever a player is injured, the coach should inform the parents or guardians of the injury even if it seems minor and the athlete is able to continue with the practice or game.
Avoiding Heat Exhaustion
Avoid heat exhaustion by having players stay well-hydrated before and during the activity. Take plenty of breaks in the shade.
If a player shows signs of heat exhaustion, remove the player from activities, have them sit in the shade or bring them to air-conditioned space. Apply cold press to the back of the neck and wrists. Drink cold water.
What are signs of heat exhaustion?
• increased thirst
• weakness
• dizziness or fainting
• muscle cramps
• nausea and/or vomiting
• irritability
• headache
• heavy sweating